Vincent King


My journey in becoming an Osteopath stemmed from a surfing injury. Looking out the window at St Vincent’s Hospital, I realised that without physical well-being our experience of the world would be limited.

My education commenced with 2 years, full time study at Australia’s best remedial and sports massage therapy school followed by 5 years full time study in Osteopathy at Western Sydney University. I’ve been practicing as an Osteopath for over a decade now.

I use a combination of massage therapy, osteopathy and strength and conditioning exercises to get the best results for my patients.
Being an Osteopath means I help people who are suffering from pain through manual therapy, tailored exercise prescription and empowering self-management strategies.Osteopathic consultations include an extensive postural assessment, rehabilitation exercises and examination of lifestyle and occupational factors that contribute to musculoskeletal complaints.

As an osteopath, I enjoy helping people move from a life dominated by pain to one of improved movement. For sports people that means less time on the bench and more time working your magic on the field. For office workers that can mean more comfort and productivity at work.

In my spare time I am an avid photographer and love spending time in the outdoors hiking and surfing.


For more information on Vincent and his approach check out his website!


Vincent King

Vincent King


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