
Osteopathy is a government registered health profession in Australia. It has a long history of offering successful treatment strategies for musculoskeletal complaints and is well suited to the modern world of evidence-based health care.

Osteopaths train for 5 years at University, doing a 3-year undergraduate degree focusing on health sciences. They then do a 2-year masters program focused on musculoskeletal therapy and research.

The Osteopaths at St George Health in Kogarah are highly trained to look at the how your body moves and focus on any areas where it might not be working as well as possible. They then incorporate this information with a detailed case history and consideration of other issues like your work environment and stress management. The Osteopath will use their skills to diagnose your problem as accurately as possible in the clinic and can advise on the need for any additional referral if needed. They will then look at immediate strategies for reducing your pain and improving function.

In the treatment room, Osteopaths use a combination of massage, stretching, active muscle contraction and release techniques; gentle yet effective hands-on techniques. We also give straightforward advice about how to manage your issue. This can be in the form of teaching better stress management techniques, specific home exercise routines, or combinations of any of the above with additional types of therapy.

Osteopaths deal with a wide variety of painful conditions with expert skill and care. If you suffer from any type of pain then Osteopathy may help.  Find out why over 50,000 people a week visit Osteopaths in Australia and why Osteopaths are the fastest growing allied health service in the country. Book an appointment at St George Health today.

St George Health is the premier allied health clinic in southern Sydney. We are located in the heart of Kogarah CBD, offering Osteopathy as well as a host of other therapies.

We have Osteopathy Appointments available 6 days a week. Call 02 9553 9823, or Book Online Here.

Learn more about Osteopathy at Osteopathy Australia's website: Osteopathy Australia is the professional association supporting and advancing Osteopathy in Australia.


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