Advanced biomechanical podiatry regards the lower limb as an extension of the rest of the body thus we take into consideration how different parts of the body work together, their effect on the feet and also how the feet affect the rest of the body.
Our podiatrist, Steve Aktipis, uses advanced biomechanical techniques to not only treat and alleviate your symptoms but seeks to diagnose and treat the cause of your condition for a more holistic, lasting solution.
Biomechanical conditions of the legs and feet can be the cause of pain and dysfunction in your feet, ankles, knees, lower back and in soft tissue structures such as muscles, nerves and ligaments.
Once Steve has determined the cause of your problems and/or your desired fitness goals he then implements an individualised treatment plan that takes into consideration your lifestyle, work commitments and sporting endeavours. Various types of treatments such as dry needling, mobilisation, muscle strengthening/stretching programs, strapping, orthotic therapy, etc. are used in addressing acute and chronic conditions for a lasting solution.
Clients can include people from all walks of life - children with developmental concerns, active individuals wanting to avoid and overcome injuries, athletes (weekend warrior or professional), and people with age-related lower back, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain.
Steve aims to alleviate the symptoms by diagnosing and treating the source of the problem rather than shortcut methods that just treat the symptoms as is commonly the case.

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