4 Simple Tricks To Make The Most Out Of An Acupuncture Treatment

4 Simple Tricks To Make The Most Out Of An Acupuncture Treatment

“What can I do to help after an Acupuncture treatment?”

-Having taken that incredible step to working on your health, it’s no surprise that you may be looking for ways to keep that feeling going between treatments. Acupuncture can leave us walking out of a session feeling energised & fresh, whilst others might feel nourished & ready to hibernate after they’ve had a lie down/simmer. Here are some of my favourite ways to make the most of experiencing Acupuncture’s effects:


Napping’s not compulsory, but taking it easy is! Avoid screens and overstimulating your body where possible. Acupuncture is used for letting your body to feel safe enough to heal itself. That can be hard when you don’t allow time to “turn off” so let your body savor that good feeling and create some downtime for a little while. You are getting a boost by restorative practices; unwind & relish the feeling!


In Chinese medicine we look a lot to how to restore flow and movement. Warmth is a simple add-on to help things move; it helps with circulation, and it’s increasingly being confirmed as the go-to over icing in many instances when managing pain. Sometimes we’ll be sure to tell you to cover your toes, put on a scarf or grab a hot water bottle once you’re home. It’s got to be the simplest & easiest way to keep your system supported.

Avoid Stimulants

Acupuncture is a regulator for your nervous system. We’re really good at getting your body out of stressed/scared “fight or flight” and nudging it into “rest & digest” mode. It’s a big facilitator of system repair. That’s why we’d rather you don’t run straight for coffee, alcohol or other stimulants; it’s doing your healing a disservice.

Drink More Water 

Hydrate your body after Acupuncture to help flush your system. Dehydration will make you may feel heavy or groggy after your acupuncture session. On a cellular level, Acupuncture is oxygenating. Acupuncture will also have a moving effect, so we are ensuring the transport of hydrated cells where they’re needed! A sure-fire way to feel great.

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