Chronic Pain and Osteopathy

Chronic Pain and Osteopathy

Did you know 6.9 Million Australians live with musculoskeletal pain?

July 22nd to July 28th is National Pain Week. Each year Chronic Pain Australia organises this week to champion the needs of those living in chronic pain. We want to help do something about it.

The Osteopaths St George Health spend a lot of time consulting with people in pain, providing hands-on treatment, helping them form recovery plans, strategising with them about how to minimise harm in their daily life and prescribing remedial exercises.

You are not alone

We hear plenty of stories from those suffering from pain. It is really common. Much more than you think. As mentioned above 6.9 million Aussies live with ongoing musculoskeletal issues. Many of them can be classified as suffering from chronic pain.

As part of National Pain Week, we are encouraging all Australians to spare some time to think about the burden of chronic pain on their families, workplaces and on themselves. The odds are you will know more than one person dealing with a pain condition right now.

Significant mental health challenges go along with the physical issues for suffers. The conditions are painful and ongoing. 30% to 40% of those dealing with chronic pain report major depression. Many more will have significant issues with worry, stress, anxiety or mood.

Chronic pain is a serious burden for the individual and their family, as well as society at large. It comes with a significant risk of developing mental health issues and causes people to pull back from things they love like exercise, sport, socialising, fun activities like dance and music and it adds restrictions to work activities and domestic roles and more.

Relief from Treatment

Osteopaths have a primary role in dealing with people with chronic pain. We can provide hands on treatment that can help reduce your pain. At St George Health we work alongside other health professionals like Exercise Physiologists, Psychologists, Remedial Massage Therapists and Podiatrists who can help too. We offer a coordinated team approach.

The one message I would push is to remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. I often see a patient a few years after they were coming in frequently dealing with a very painful difficult chronic issue that seemed to have to end in sight. When I come around to asking specifically about their old injury, they often have forgotten about it. Time heals all wounds, as the old idiom goes- It just might not adhere to a schedule.

If you know someone in pain who might not be doing so well, reach out. Recommend that they see someone who can help. You can make a booking with our Osteopaths today to start the process.

Make an appointment.

Use our convenient online booking or contact us direct.