Plantar Fasciitis – Sports Injury
February 28, 2023

This Blog is part of our Sports Injury Series from St George Health. We know how frustrating these injures can be for people to suffer through repeated episodes of pain and restriction. We pride ourselves on our team based approach to common sports injury problems – and focus on getting you back on the pitch, field, court or road faster and with our re-injury. We have a highly experienced team of Osteopaths, Sports Podiatrists and Sports Massage Therapists who work together in a unique approach for sports injuries. Call us today on 02 9553 9823 for enquiries.
Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia (connective tissue)becomes damaged and inflammed at or near it’s attachment to the bottom surface of the heel bone.

Plantar Fasciitis injuries often occur during sporting activities in all age groups. These can be treated by strengthening the ankle under the guidance of a health professional
-typically sharp pain in the inside part of the bottom of the heel sometimes radiating along the arch of the foot most evident during first few steps when getting out of bed in the morning or after periods of rest
Risk factors
-sudden increase in exercise, taking up new exercise programme e.g. pre-season training (soccer, AFL, dancing, athletics and any high intensity training)
-excessive flat feet (overpronated) and high arches (supinated) can increase the strain on the plantar fascia tissue.
-being overweight increases the load on the foot structures as a whole and specifically on the plantar fascia.
-long periods of standing/walking on hard surfaces e.g. hairdressers, labourers, security guards.
-poor footwear
Treatment options
-structured, stable footwear that your podiatrist can discuss with you
-orthotics where appropriate
-dry needling
-heel lifts
-foot mobilisation techniques
-gentle plantar fascia, calf/achilles tendon stretches
-anti inflammatories
At St George Health we specialise in the treatment of plantar fasciitis and other biomechanically and sports related injuries
Now is the time to have those preseason or longer standing symptoms resolved before they affect your performance and lifestyle over the coming season.
To speak or make an appointment to see our experienced podiatrist, Steve, ……..
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