Spring is here: Rediscover your health without pain this spring!

Spring is here. Rediscover your health without pain this spring!
A word of warning from our Osteos- We definitely see more injuries as people start their spring exercise routines. When the weather warms up and the winter layers come off, people naturally want to get that body ready for summer, however, starting exercise classes that are intense and high frequency can easily lead to injury.

New exercise programs are a good idea but can cause injury!
Here are Vince and Eddie’s tips for injury prevention:
1. Start slow; Fitness is a marathon not a sprint. Be careful in the first few weeks with any exercise program where you are pushed to go beyond your comfort level quickly and often.
2. Don’t ignore physical pain; We’re not worried about the pain from tired muscles from exercise but sharp pinching pain during exercise or aching pain after working out. Stop and wait a day or so- if it goes quickly you can resume carefully, if it persists see point 4!
3. Focus on technique; If you are learning new exercises take the time to get the movement right. Good exercise trainers will always focus on this. At the start of your exercising focus on quality over quantity. This will serve you well in all areas of fitness.
4. If you do run into trouble our Osteos are here to help; If you do start feeling pain or a lot of stiffness (especially in the morning) make an appointment quickly. Please dont put it off weeks to see us. The old adage “A stich in time saves nine” is true when it comes to injury treatment too.
Call the clinic for more information 02 9553 9823, or you can see our available Osteopath appointments here:

Osteopaths Eddie Clark and Vincent King at St George Health.
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