What to look for with your kids School Shoes – from a podiatrist

A new school year is upon us. Children often have feet and shoe issues, especially when they are going through growth spurts. Did you know that children grow up to 3 times faster in Summer than in Winter? Let’s have your children start this year in the most appropriate shoes.

School shoe choice is very important for childrens foot health.
Considering this, the start of the new school year is a really important time to get your child appropriate shoes. A lot of parents will be shopping for school shoes this week.
Steve Aktipis, Podiatrist at St George Health, has over 20 years clinical experience with kids and adults feet. Here are his top 4 tips for making sure your children have the best fitting shoes to start the new year.
What to look for when buying new school shoes:
- Look for a shoe with a firm heel counter to stabilise the heel.
- The shoe should bend where the toes bend. This will accommodate your children feet more comfortably and ease pressure on the toes, heel and shins and allow for better weight transfer during walking and running.
- You should not be able to twist the shoe through the midsole. Firm soles provide more stability through the mid foot.
- Lace ups are preferable! Lace ups offer more support and make it easier to just and increase stability. Velcro may be suitable for some children.
Of course there are lots of reasons choosing the right shoe can be difficult. A good podiatrist can help you select the right shoes for your child or review their current footwear and foot biomechanics to help you get it right.
You can book in with Steve here:

Steve Aktipis, Podiatrist at St George Health.
For more information simply make an appointment. Bookings can be made online and without a referral. For more information about the practice you can get in touch by emailing us at reception@stgeorgehealth.com.au or by calling 02 9553 9823.
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