When do you need to see an Osteopath?

By: Edward Clark
One of the most common question we get in our practice is “what is an Osteopath?”
Most people out there are unaware of what an Osteopath is – or what we can offer them- until they get stuck in a bind. They then end up in our treatment room by a referral of a friend or even by seeing our clinic’s advertisements.
In Australia, Osteopathy is a 4 or 5 year university trained profession offering diagnosis, and treatment for the whole range of musculoskeletal issues (see here for a range of conditions we treat). We commonly do hands on therapy- like massages, stretch and joint mobilisation, and are highly trained in rehab exercise protocols such as pain management and ergonomic assessments.
The next most common question we get is: What is the difference then between an Osteopath, a Physiotherapist, or a Chiropractor?
This one is more nuanced. We offer a lot of the same therapies, often just bundled up differently. Traditionally, an Osteopath offered a longer history taking session allowing more time to explore complicated factors that might influence someone’s pain.
We also offer more hands on therapy, although there is a current trend of individual practitioners having a lot of freedom to practice how they find works best for them and their patients.
I like to say now- however controversially- there is no difference between the therapies to the average person. If they walk into a Physio, Chiro or Osteos office for a painful injury, they will have a history taken, a physical examination, and their treatment- which will usually contain some combination of hands on therapy and at home exercises. Some therapists might choose to argue there are philosophical differences between the different professional approaches, but in my experience most patients aren’t particularly concerned- They just want effective treatments.
So when do you need to see an Osteopath?
As soon as you are in pain! But what I find in practice is that we as osteopaths will often see someone after they have had a dissatisfying experience with a Physio or a Chiro. I would like to encourage people to see an Osteo as a first choice – like our patients now do. Try Osteopathy first. We are highly trained and all the Osteopaths at St George Health are highly experienced.
Eddie Clark is a qualified and registered Osteopath, having completed a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Masters of Osteopathy with the University of Western Sydney. He is a highly skilled therapist with extensive practical experience from working both in Australia and in the UK.
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